If men don’t, why should we? Yes, yes there is the fact that they give us support- especially to those of us gifted with more curve than others, but other than that… whats stopping us? Oh, thats right, the judgment of men and elderly and everyone in between, the sexualization we will receive, and of course, the idea that we are basically “asking for it”. But as women, what if we collectively decide to not care about what other think and to embrace our bodies? Besides the obvious reason for not wearing a bra, to show that women’s nipples shouldn’t be anything offensive, there are many scientific reasons why choosing to not strap on your daily bra can help perk up your health and perk up your actual boobs. So if anyone asks you why your’e going bra-less, and you feel like explaining yourself (even though you don’t need to), here are some pretty good scientifically backed reasons.

Its a myth that your boobs will sag without a bra

Your breasts can sag for a multitude of reasons.. but not wearing a bra is not one of them. In fact wearing a bra can anctually cause your muscles around the breasts to weaken, since they are always relying on the support of a bra, and eventually cause your ‘bosom’ to sag. This does not mean that you shouldn’t be wearing a good supporting sports bra during a workout though, as working out is hard on your breasts.

Focus on your diet instead

The look and shape of your tattas have a lot to do with what you eat. Firstly, gaining weight and losing weight will immediately affect the shape and size of your breasts. Secondly, eating foods that contain more collagen will help your breasts be naturally strong and perky— eliminating the need for a bra altogether

You can wear anything you want!

The more times you go without a bra, the more your body will learn that it doesn’t have that support anymore and needs to make it itself. That is why going braless will actually strengthen your muscles and give you natural support. The more you skip out on a bra, the more comfortable you will be without one. This will eliminate all of the hassle of backless bras, stick on bras, and everything else that is made to overcome the obstacles we face with the hinderance of a boob cage.

Save money

Bras are getting to be ridiculously expensive, and with all the expenses we already have, it may be helpful to get rid of this purchase. It is estimated that women spend over $4,000 dollars on bras in their lifetime which is..well… ridiculous.

You can hold off on the pain that comes with bras

You may not realize it, or maybe you do, but bras can cause more pain than being braless. Bras can cause back pain, especially if they are not fitted right (which usually their not). According to internist at UCLA health, “Tight bras can cause ribcage, back, and neck pain”.

Leave any comments about what you think and thanks for reading!