What is commonly known as “magic mushrooms” or ”shrooms” is a type of mushroom that contains Psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic. These mushrooms usually cause hallucinations and a feeling of euphoria, just like most other psychedelics. Before putting anything in your body, whether that’s an energy drink or an illicit drug, it is not only important, but can help you have a better experience, if you know what it does and what’s in it.

So what is happening in your body when you eat or take mushrooms and why do you feel the way you do?

Immediately after ingesting Psilocybin, the body breaks it down into psilocin. Causing euphoria and a sense of happiness, makes its way to the brain and inhibits the reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin. This ultimately creates an increase in serotonin’s activity in the brain. Not only this, but psilocin has a similar structure to serotonin itself, giving it the ability to attach to receptors in the brain that are meant for serotonin neurotransmitters. This can cause one to experience and feel things that aren’t really there. This is how hallucinations occur. These hallucinations can range from auditory to visual, and can even include feelings that seem profound or mystical. However, not all people who take magic mushrooms have a good time; many people experience terrifying or unpleasant hallucinations that seem uncontrollable and impossible to get out of. These “bad trips” are preventable though, and here are some ways to prepare for your trip and ultimately enjoy the trip itself.

1. Find out your goal

Be honest with yourself. Are you taking mushrooms because you want to find a deep and spiritual meaning to life, or just because you want to have fun? The truth is, psilocybin can be used for many things: helping with depression, finding meaning, seeking your inner-self, or to simply have a good time. It is always good to be aware of why you are taking a drug, especially a psychedelic. If you feel pressured to take mushrooms, just don’t. Not being mentally ready, and not fully wanting to try mushrooms is the #1 way to have a bad trip.

2. Set specific intentions

Like all other drugs, when high on psilocybin, you are not 100% in control. However, on mushrooms, since the psilocybin connects to the serotonin receptors causing hallucinations, what you see, hear and feel is actually IMPOSSIBLE to control. So first, understand that this will be an experience that you have to let take you somewhere, not something you control. That’s why setting intentions can be very important. When your brain goes somewhere you cant control, or somewhere that scares you, you can think about the intention you set and try to focus on that instead. Some people even write down their intentions so that they can look back on them and remember why they decided to trip.

3. Make a playlist

Music can always help set a mood and calm the nerves. Making a pre-set playlist might sound a little bit extravagant, but setting the tone for your experience can make a world of a difference. Allow yourself to relax, live in the moment and just enjoy your time! Plus, there are already tons of playlists made on Spotify for just this.

4. Find a trip-sitter

Having someone there can help you stay safe from anxiety, fear, or even physical injuries ( although that doesn’t happen often). Its not a good idea to trip alone your first time, and having a buddy is always a good idea.

5. Set & Setting

Set and Setting refers to where you are physically and mentally. If your mind is set in a bad or anxious space, its probably not the best time to take mushrooms. The same goes for your physical setting. Make sure your’e comfortable and safe. Make a plan of what you are going to do, or not do. Set and Setting is a vital part of your trip as there are so many things to decide. Spend time in nature or inside with a cozy blanket? Go on a hike or just lie down? Any option can be good, but picking and planning what you will do beforehand can make for a much more enjoyable trip.

6. Know what and how much you’re taking

Its vital that you have a good dealer and that your’e taking the right kind of mushroom. Taking a mushroom that isn’t psilocybin is a dangerous bet: for one, it wont get you high, and two it could land you in a gurney. A trip to the hospital is definitely not the type of trip your’e looking for. Also, keep in mind how much you want to take, whether thats micro-dosing or taking a heroic dose, it is important that you know how much you are putting in your body.

Let me know if you have any more tips, and if these were helpful… safe tripping everybody!