Although it may seem completely random and very unpredictable at times, all women have a menstrual cycle that works around a 28 day period… no pun intended. However, men also have a hormonal schedule; with their testosterone peaking in the morning and settling down at […]
Pop Culture
These 5 Shows Need To Be On Your To-Watch List
Its hard to find new shows, especially binge-able ones. Sometimes you feel like a chick flick, sometimes like some crime, and other times you feel like something that stirs up drama. No matter what it is, one of these 10 movies is sure to accommodate […]
Pop Culture
What Book You Should Read Next Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aries- The Folk Of The Air Series There’s nothing more Aries than a strong female lead, and thats exactly what The Cruel Prince and it companions serve. Plus, if you’re one for the fairy-vibe, then this book is perfect for you. Not only is it […]