Its hard to find new shows, especially binge-able ones. Sometimes you feel like a chick flick, sometimes like some crime, and other times you feel like something that stirs up drama. No matter what it is, one of these 10 movies is sure to accommodate […]
Pretty Girls Cry Too: The Ultimate Sad-Girl Starter Pack
10 tips on how to lift your mood and get you out of that rut: 1. Let Yourself be Sad Feeling like you don’t need to have a good cry, or dwell on things will only make it worse. Crying too much though, will also […]
Pop Culture
What Book You Should Read Next Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aries- The Folk Of The Air Series There’s nothing more Aries than a strong female lead, and thats exactly what The Cruel Prince and it companions serve. Plus, if you’re one for the fairy-vibe, then this book is perfect for you. Not only is it […]
2022’s Best Prom Dress Websites for the IT Girl
When a woman gets ready for an event she has two main dilemmas: 1. Making sure they are the best looking person there 2. Not wearing the same thing as anyone else When it comes to Prom, every girl in town has the same thought […]