10 tips on how to lift your mood and get you out of that rut:

1. Let Yourself be Sad

Feeling like you don’t need to have a good cry, or dwell on things will only make it worse. Crying too much though, will also make it worse.

So what do you do?

Give yourself a certain set amount of time to be sad. This can be from 3 hours to a week; it all depends. Even if it seems like something stupid, giving yourself time to be sad is the first and most crucial step in getting over something.. or nothing at all. Even if you have nothing to cry about, studies show that crying relaxes the body, and the action itself can relieve stress. You’re never too old, too cool, or have too-small of problems to cry.

2. Change Your Music

Okay, I know, this sounds obvious. But, its also very likely that when you get sad you then listen to sad music, which in turn only leaves you a little sadder. It’s hard to listen to happy music when you’re sad because, well, you’re not in a happy mood.

So what kind of music should you listen to?

Instead of listening to music thats sulky and sad, (yes, that includes Lana Del Rey), listen to music that will make you feel like you run the world. Music helps us to feel different ways. So use music to your advantage and let it make you feel confident and maybe even a little angry… but not sad.

3. Treat Your Mind and Body

Doing anything to keep your body healthy will also keep your mind healthy. No matter if thats just a jog, a bike ride, some yoga, or a workout. Doing active things routinely will also give you a sense of control over a part of your day, and will lift your mood. Not to mention, your body will also start to look in shape.

4. Start Journaling

Sometimes we don’t even know why we feel the way we do. Journaling can help you get your thoughts down and all sorted out. Journaling is a way to tell your feelings and be completely honest to yourself. If you don’t want anyone to read it, then you even have the option to burn the page if you want to. Journaling has no rules, and that’s the best part.

Journaling, if you keep the pages, can turn out to be a great memory book in the future as well.

5. Be Sober

Now, I know this sounds like what everybody else says, but that’s because its true. If you’re feeling down, drinking, smoking, or taking any types of drugs will without a doubt only deepen that feeling. Have you ever heard that soda, despite how refreshing it tastes, makes you more dehydrated? Thats exactly what drinking and indulging in drugs does. Well.. that except with your serotonin levels. No matter what or how little you take or drink, it is inevitable that your serotonin or dopamine levels will decrease. This is because drugs and alcohol create a spike of serotonin in your brain, and because of your body’s need to create homeostasis, your body will then combat this by producing chemicals and hormones that give you the exact opposite feeling of what that substance gave you. Sometimes, these affects are even permanent. If you don’t want to be sober forever, at least try it for a little while and see just how energetic, present, and lively you feel. Because yes, sadness is common, but it shouldn’t be normal, and we definitely shouldn’t constantly be living in that state.

6. Pick Up a New Hobby

Picking up a new hobby can take your mind off of whatever negative thoughts it’s dwelling on. At the same time, it can help you find something your passionate in. No matter if your good at it or not, trying new things will grow your brain and let you focus on something helpful instead of negative.

Some Hobby Ideas-

  • Painting
  • reading
  • playing an instrument
  • sewing
  • writing
  • cooking
  • baking
  • fishing
  • making crafts
  • making jewelry
  • gardening
  • photography

7. Start Eating Healthy

Happy Body = Healthy Mind. Eating clean can really help detox the body, and let it feel less groggy, tires, and overall a little sick. Even if you don’t realize or see foods effect on your mental health, it certainly does have quite a large affect. In fact, foods that are high in trans fat actually lead to a decrease in serotonin levels. This means that your body will start to produce less of your “happy” hormones the less healthy you eat. A good way to make sure your eating healthy is by cooking at home, this way you can truly regulate what is and what isn’t in your food.

8. Get Off Social Media

Social Media can be a good thing, but it can also be a toxic environment for somebody struggling with sadness or even depression. What social media is used for is showing off the good parts in your life. When you go on social media, though, i’m going to guess that your not sitting on your own profile reminiscing on good times. Instead, you’re looking at everyone else living their “best” life without you. FOMO is a real thing, and even though it didn’t used to be, social media makes it more real than ever. A British study in 2018 also found that social media led to decreased sleep, which in turn can lead to getting sick, getting depressed, and performing worse in academic areas.

9. Spend Time in Nature

Instead of being cooped up at home, or cuddled up under the covers all day, go out and spend some time in nature. Spending time in nature can help relax one’s mind and relieve sadness, anxiety or depression. It can also help you get a breath of fresh air, and think to yourself without and negative distractions.

10. Volunteer

Volunteering allows you to see the world from a different perspective. It can open up your mind and your eyes when helping others to see that you are not the only thing or person struggling. It may sound selfish, but volunteering won’t just help the earth and people around you, but it can also help you. It will give you a sense of accomplishment and even some pride for doing a little good in this world. Allow yourself to be proud of you, for all you’ve done, and all you continue to do.

Please leave a comment if this helped you or if you have any more advice! Love all you goddess’.